Struggling Marriage

My husband and I have hit a rough patch. We've talked a lot about the issues we have, and in the middle of trying to work out our problems, he said he's just not attracted to me and that he doesn't think I'm sexy and that he's basically bored with me. He said he had the thought of cheating, but he could never do that to our family. He said there are other women he finds attractive, but never anyone that he would "replace" me with. He said when he started dating me, it wasn't because he was physically attracted to me, and that I don't look like the girls he would normally date. He said he pursued me because I had all of the qualities he would want in a wife and most of the girls he was physically attracted to didn't meet those standards. I'm not sure how to feel about him saying those things to me. It really hurts because what woman doesn't want to feel attractive and sexy? I feel like every time he's told me I'm beautiful has been a lie, and I feel extremely self conscious around him. We have since talked more about it. He assured me that he could never cheat on me and that if he ever felt like he would, he would let me know before hand and we could discuss what to do for our relationship. I don't know what to do.