
I don't understand why my boyfriend would all me this. I'm 23 week pregnant and add we were making love this morning he said babel can you just lay on to of me and I'll hold you close with my dick still in you and we fall asleep like that. I just want to be as close as I can be to you. Anyone else significant other ask you that? Why would he am me that. Of course to make him happy I did. He just held me tight and fell asleep.
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Just sounds like he loves you and wanted to be close to you. Like cuddling but with added intimacy lol.


💘 • Jun 12, 2017
I think it's sweet and would love if my SO asked me to do something like that. But if you thought it was weird you could've just told him that.


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I'd think that'd would be fairly common for a man to say in a committed relationship at some point or another


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My SO has said things like I just want to keep it in you and fall asleep like this but we never have. I don't think it's weird.