

Hi ladies, just a quick query in anyone who's been on cyclogest or similar progesterone pessaries. I was prescribed cyclogest the last miscarriage (we had two consecutively and a still birth a number of years ago) since having five beautiful daughters and now pregnant with bubs number 6. I fell straight after the last miscarriage so started the cyclogest straight away and was told to take them u till week 14. So I'll be 14 weeks in Friday but my query is for anyone who's had experience with it, do you stop the on the exact 14 week mark on the beginning of that week or the end of that week? Also do you go cold turkey? Has anyone had any ill effects coming off them?

I haven't seen my consultant yet and my GP has said they don't know much about it but to go ahead and stop Friday but I'm scared.......I'm afraid I'll bleed or something will happen........really just looking to see if anyone has any experience of using it and coming off of it?

Thanks in advance.