appreciation post

Savannah • Just trying to love the way love should go❤️
I just want to give an appreciation post to my whole heart. Over the past few weeks I have had a series of night terrors that are a result of past abuse. As a young teen I was raped multiple times. A few times by someone close to me and then one time at school by seniors when I was a freshman. I relive terror from my abuse every now and then and my boyfriend picks me up in the middle of the night and just holds me. He tells me no one is ever gonna hurt me ever again and that is so comforting. He's my whole world and no matter how tired he is he always wakes up to make sure I'm okay and to love me unconditionally and make me feel safe. I'm blessed beyond belief and I refuse to let my past consume my life. I love my boyfriend and the life he gives me. I owe him everything. 
I really do.