Needing Some Love and Support

The past two years have been a wild ride for my husband and I. Two years ago, I started noticing extreme abdominal pain on one side. The pain progressively got worse as time went on and I continued to ignore it thinking it was just early menstrual cramps and there was nothing to worry about. Three months after the pain began I was hospitalized with two large golf ball sized cysts on my ovaries. I was given some pain medication and told to go home. Every time the pain would start again I assumed it was just another cyst, took some Advil, and continued to think nothing of it. My husband ended up getting a job in my hometown, so we packed up our things and moved 8 hours from the home that we made together. Money was tight, but he landed a great job; a few months after moving, I did too. Life was good, finally! Until it wasn't. I lost my job after finding out that my position was only supposed to be a temporary one. I found a new job, the pay is far less and money is tight again, but we're making it through. After some discussion, we decided to start trying for our first baby. We were both so excited and nervous! I still had that pain, but by then it was so bad it left me unable to walk when the pain hit (generally around ovulation time). I saw my doctor and had an unbelievable amount of tests done. His first thought was that the problem was with my hormones. After countless appointments I was finally diagnosed. Endometriosis. We are now stuck waiting four months for an appointment with another OBGYN who will examine me once again and put me on a very long waiting list for surgery while the pain continues to worsen. The medication only slightly alleviates my pain, and I'm left wondering if I'll ever get to hold the our beautiful creation in my arms. 
There is nothing I want more in this world than to be a mother. Even if I am nothing else in this lifetime, I pray that I get to be a mommy. 
If anyone else suffers from endometriosis and has any advice or kind words, it would be greatly appreciated by both of us. Love and baby dust always to you beautiful and wonderful ladies. 💕