not in love

Hi there. I will share what I am currently going through and please give me opinions.
I have a boyfriend for almost a year and I feel like I am done!
He bought a house about 7 months ago and moved an hour, hour 15 away. We used to live 5 minutes away from each other and it was awesome. Now since he moved, we just have arguments all the time. Why am I not going!? He doesn't like to come to my apartment because he doesn't want to walk his dogs. It is better at his house because he has a yard and doesn't need to walk them anymore. Also, he wants me to text him or call him all the time and tell him what I am doing every minute. At the beginning I was doing it but now it just got old. I feel like I am telling my dad every step I take. He gets jealous when I hang out with my friends and make friends. I feel like he is trying to control every move I take and we disagree on many things since he moved. He wants me to move with him and apply to a school by his house, why do I need to change my life? I said no, he got mad.
Now, l have an old friend(male) in town for a few days and I went out with him and got this feeling like he likes me and I liked it. I liked the attention and I liked that someone is telling me that I look pretty and other complements .
I want more of that feeling. At the same time, I feel like I am being a bad girlfriend and l feel like I am cheating on him because I like other mans attention. 
Am I doing something wrong? Should I just break up with my boyfriend? I feel like if I breakup with him, he is going to be alone an hour plus away...
Either way I feel bad for thinking about breaking up with him and for feeling that someone else can like me and treat me nice and give me attention 
Give me your opinions... Sorry for the long post