I was in labor for 4 days

I was in labor for 4 days. Early labor continues for hours and days. It was hard. But I'm a first time mother and I ended up having to get induced with Pitocin and not having an epidural. The only "pain" meds I had was stadol that helped me sleep through contractions. And the last dose was at 5cm which I was at for hours! I'm so thankful of my support team!! We welcome Brae'Ly Jaiden at 12:09pm on 6/10/17! Second degree tear. She was a chunky baby of 8lbs 4oz and 21.5"
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Posted at
I was in labor from 28 weeks-35 weeks with my twins 😩 I still had to be induced at 35ish weeks bc I was in so much pain but wasn't progressing from a 3! 


Posted at
Lol I was in early labor for two weeks. I just walked a lot


Posted at
What is considered early labor? I gave birth at 36 weeks but from the time my water broke until the baby came was 11 hrs.


Cynthia • Jun 13, 2017
ahhh see. no clue.


Betty 🍝 • Jun 13, 2017
my midwife says labor before 5-6cm. after is considered early labor but after 5-6cm is becomes active