this pregnancy sucks!

This is supposed to be my Rainbow baby, I want to have a happy joyous pregnancy...I want that for every woman. But I guess it's just not going to happen for me, had a tubal pregnancy scare. But it was just a cyst not the baby thank god, was also horrified of a MC because the cyst caused so much bleeding again, thank god it was just a cyst. I lost so much weight in the first trimester (wasn't ever sick just shed lots of weight for some reason) didn't start gaining till my 3rd trimester and I'm still not back to where I started. Then I went into preterm labor at 29 weeks. Now I'm 35 weeks and I'm measuring way to small (have always been measuring small but I'm just not catching up) and got a call today that my sonogram showed growth restrictions now I need sonograms every week till I give birth. Haven't seen my doctor yet and can't get in till the 20th so I won't know what any of this means until then. I'm so over this.