Am I nearly a victim of sex/human trafficking?

The Little Mermaid
So 2 weeks ago I was at Target and a girl around me my age (early to mid 20s) randomly comes up to me and says I look familiar and asks what school did I go to? Obviously I knew she was bullshitting me but I went along with her phony convo. Finishing up the convo and her introduction, she asks for my number to fill me on a "business" she has with her boyfriend. She explained they are a marketing arm for athletic items such as Target, Nike, Under Armor.. etc. All I would have to do is advertise on social media and they pay us money. Well, this girl has been calling me non-stop for 2 weeks straight because I've been way to busy to answer the call. This past Sunday I decide to answer her call and learn more about the "business." She set up a 3 way call with her boss which is another girl around our age and they set up an "interview" at a hotel tonight at 7. Why a hotel? All of this sounds fishy.... or am I thinking too hard. I'm a criminology major so I think about these things, what criminals do and how crimes actually start. Should I go to the hotel or not? My husband said he will rather take me and wait outside. He does not want me driving there alone. What do you all think?
UPDATE-- I attended. Was nothing bad and so far not scam. However, seems like a "secret society" where people buy name brands online for sooo much cheaper and get paid for shopping. EXAMPLE-- Nike pays Labron James for Beyoncé gets paid for drinking Pepsi. Still not sure how it all works but I have slight idea. From the meeting I got NO website of papers but they will send me an audio tonight and I'm invited to an event on Thursday to meet hundreds different people who are part of the business. 
Anyone have a clue what this could be??