Fertility MD Appointment need encouragement

My husband and I have our first appointment with a Fertility specialist tomorrow morning and I just need a little encouragement. We are 31 years old and have trying OPK, BBT, preseed, vitamins, etc. I have been tested and everything is fine with me but my husband has low motility and low sperm count. He is so very anxious, worried, nervous, and so on for tomorrow's appointment. He is so scared that we may not be able to get pregnant because of him. I have been so encouraging trying to stay positive and build him up during all this telling him that it is ok if we can't conceive then we will adopt. Secretly inside I am screaming and so anxious about it as well. I want to be a mom more than anything. It doesn't help that literally all of my friends are either pregnant or just had a beautiful baby. I just need some encouragement or advice on what to expect from this appointment.