Fear of the bump

Ashlee • My baby girl was born October 23. Oh my, I️m so in love. 💕
So I know I'm probably going to get some negative comments for this but I don't want to have a big baby bump. It's not that I don't want people to know I'm pregnant, I just don't want my stomach to be ugly after I have my daughter. Since I found out I was pregnant I've been lathering myself with all kinds of lotion and cream to prevent stretch marks but yesterday I noticed some on my breast and I wanted to cry. Before I got pregnant I was 125 and I've gained almost 25 pounds in 22 weeks. I am trying to be positive and think that my body will go back to normal or if it doesn't try to understand that I've brought life into the world... but I can't help but to be body conscious. I don't know what to do.