Tips to ease anxiety

Hi ladies,
I had taken a break from TTC after my miscarriage in August. For that pregnancy my sister and I were due within a week of each other and I was finding it really difficult to cope. I felt TTC had been all consuming and I needed a break. Honestly it did me a world of good. Prior to the break I was constantly anxious and things were very strained between myself and my husband.
My sister has since had the baby and I flew over to meet her in April. 😍 When I got back home we felt we were ready to try again. I got pregnant straight away, but unfortunately I miscarried a couple days after the positive pregnancy test. It was my sixth miscarriage. 
Yesterday I ended up coming home from work because I was ill, turns out I am pregnant again. I am trying my best to remain calm, but since my most recent loss was only 4 weeks ago I am really struggling. It's all I think about. I've tried mindfulness but it doesn't seem to help.
Does anyone have any go to tips or tricks when they can stop analyizing every twinge and symptom (or lack thereof)?