What's your pregnancy beauty/body routine?

I'm hitting 11 weeks tomorrow and I'm finally starting to feel better! Hurray! Now that I have enough energy to wash my face before bed 5 out of 7 nights a week I've come up with my pregnancy self care regime: 
Walking my dog about a mile every morning
Swimming or prenatal water fitness at the YMCA three times a week - my mom did pretty much only this and didn't get one stretch mark or tear, natural birth and I was a 9lb baby! Hoping it runs in the family? 
Prenatal yoga twice a week
I'm also on my feet for work and have been wearing compression leggings which seem to help a lot with the dizziness. 
Dry brushing, exfoliating sugar scrub, Weleda stretch mark oil and rose hip cocoa butter cream - my best attempt at stretch mark prevention! 
Glytone glycolic acid wash and lotion for my face and body twice a week - keeping ache at bay and making my skin glow! The rest of the time I use a natural wash from Suki. 
What are your health and
beauty practices, secrets or tips?