naturally induce ovulation??

Hello ladies! I'm new to this group. I was curious if anyone has any recommendations on a natural supplement to help ovulate? 
I'm on metformin 1000 mg. I was on provera a few months ago (for 3 months, 10 pills per month) and i got my period each month I was on it. Then didn't get it a month, and now I've had it in May and have it right now! The first time in years I've gotten it without medication for two months in a row! So that is awesome. My dr told me to work on weight loss and then come back and we would do more blood work and testing to see what the next step is. I've lost 13 pounds and still working on more, I'm assuming changing my eating habits and loosing a little weight is what helped with getting my period two months in a row!? I was planning to take ovulation tests after this period is over to see if I can ovulate on my own. (As of now I haven't ever ovulated on my own) if not, dr said he would have me try chlomid, but I'm wondering if there is something more natural I could try first?? Any advice?