Unnoticed UTI! Careful ladies!

I am 30+1 and I have been feeling terrible the past couple of days. I was feeling a lot of pelvic pressure and then started getting period like cramps. SO exhausted. I have been leaking every now and again the past few weeks and kept wondering if it might be amnio fluid (its just urine) but my doc didn't seem too worried. Anyways, I was writing a lot of this off as growing pains and the fact that I am now in my third trimester. Well, I was wrong! Today I woke up knowing something was just not right and I went to labor and delivery. After monitoring me and running tests it turns out I have a horrible UTI to the point there were traces of blood in my urine. I have had a UTI before but they feel way different when you are pregnant. I just had a doc appt 9 days ago and they didn't test for this I guess. Anyways, ladies if you feel like something isn't right, trust your gut. I kept thinking I was overreacting but I wasn't. And UTIs can cause preterm labor! I am now on antibiotics and hoping to feel better soon. Just wanted to share my experience just in case anyone is feeling this way! Xo