please give your views ):

I'm a practicing Roman Catholic, and I do love my religion and consider myself to be religious. I don't know how I feel about looking at the other Christian pages on this forum or whatever you would want to call it. I've had sex before, and reading what other people are saying really makes me feel horrible about myself and like God won't love me because I've committed that sin. 
I really hate this feeling. I know it was a sin, but I don't want to go to hell for it, and reading what other Christians have said, it seems as if I am in their eyes, and that breaks my heart so much.
I've already been told before by other Christians that because I'm catholic, I won't ever be with Christ because Catholics are apparently not "Christians" (which makes no sense, because I can give an entire history lesson on the Catholic Church and how the disciple St. Peter created it, but that goes in one ear and out the other for most). 
I just don't want to be hated by God, and I've begged for His forgiveness, but what other people say makes me think I won't ever receive His forgiveness ):