Can I ask for support/friends?

Kylie • Married to a Doctor of Chiropractic💑Birth Doula and Fertility Doula! (Fb/insta: Do a lot Doula Services) Mommy to a handsome fella! Fertility/pregnancy blogger👩🏻‍💻Essential oil lover🌱
Hey ladies! So I just got home from the hospital. I was there for a little over a month. 
They wanted to keep me there until delivery but my doc let me go home because I was really missing home and my contractions slowed down for a few days. He knows I may end up coming back soon but he knows my comfort is important even if for a few days. 
Long story short, I went into preterm labor a few times already. Cervix is already 70% effaced, anterior and soft. I'm only dilated to a 1 though 
I have contractions like crazy! Some painless and some days they are painful.
But ultimately, every doctor and nurse that I've asked has said that my son will most likely come early. I'm 31 weeks now. 
Every day counts, I know. But I was wondering if there was anyone who went through this or anyone who is currently going through something like this? 
I would really love a support system for now and for when I go into labor again. They said the next time I do, they may not want to stop it. 
I am curious as to how eventful a NICU may be, how fast a c section recovery can be (just in case) etc...
Thanks so much!