chest pain

I've got a sharp chest pain under my right breast. Hurts terribly when I breathe, especially if it's deep breathes. It's causing me a terrible headache from the pain. Been happening all day. Help??
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Girl! If it feels like your ribs are the pain you could have what I had a couple of years ago. I had an inflammation of my ribs called costochondritis, it was awful. It hurt to breathe, move, and do anything. It was almost like aching pain. I used icy hot, a heating pad, and rest and it went away in 2 weeks. Don't over stress your body. If the pain lasts more than 4 days you could have this so just keep an eye on yourself and go to the doctor! 


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You need to go to the doctor.  Could be gallbladder, please go get it checked out!


Posted at
I did they last night! I took 2 tums and it helped a little. Never had heartburn in my whole life so I don't know if that's what it was. I thought I was dying