first baby, teen mom & I don't regret it 👶🏻❤️

Well, here's my story. A couple of weeks after I turned 18, me & my bf went through rough times & I decided it was best for me to leave for good & I did.. to find out I was pregnant. We ended up back togther anyways when I found out I was pregnant my LMP was Feb.23-27. Doctors had told me I was 7 weeks & 4 days. A week after I found out I went to the ER feeling cramps & back hurting. At the hospital they did a transvaginal ultrasound & said my baby wasn't developing this & that I left & went to a different doctor to only find a heartbeat❤️ do not terminate a pregnancy just because a doctor says there isn't a heartbeat they can sometimes be wrong... no words can explain how grateful I am to have this opportunity to have a little angel inside of me. Turns out I'm just 12 weeks today. Which is weird since my LMP was Feb. anyways here's the progress bless all you soon to be moms or those who are or ttc goodluck it's all in gods hands.❤️❤️👣👶🏻