**RANT**comments about my body


So this morning I had a break down after trying to fit into my jeans. I don't know why I decided to try to squeeze into them but I only got them up to my thighs and then began to cry.

The night before my mother-in-law said to me "I said to *boyfriend's name* that he has to start taking care of his acne, because *my name* won't be fat forever."

A couple day's ago at a meeting I saw someone I hadn't seen since the beginning of my pregnancy. She and I talked for a while and she then said "Wow. All that weight you lost is back now. You're going to have a really hard time losing all of that again."

What drive's people to comment or even think it's okay to comment about my body. Has anyone had similar experiences? If so how did you handle it? I am at my breaking point and I am done allowing people to talk to me this way, I would still like to be able to present myself nicely though I don't want to be rude to anyone.