She is here! Olive Ivy. 💘

Peighton • Olive 🌈 & Jude ☀️ • Small Shop Owner
I had to be induced for high blood pressure. Started potocin at 3:30 pm 6/14/17 and she was born 7:09 am 6/15/17. No epidural and less than 30 minutes of pushing! I was very scared of being induced because I heard the horror stories of how bad it is but I ended up being very lucky. I didn't feel contractions for the longest time and was able to not have an epidural which I really wanted this entire pregnancy. They said once her ears came out the rest of her just flew out! Face up instead of face down. One second degree tear from how fast she came out but not too bad at all. She is 7 pounds 10 ounces, 20 inches long, and has a head full of dark hair! Absolutely perfect.