I think I have sort of a crush on my best friend???

But I'm in the best relationship of my life and have been dating my boyfriend for almost 4 years! I have literally no desire to change that whatsoever, I still love him and everything. And to be honest, whatever feelings I have toward my friend aren't enough to really... do anything?
I think this more accurately a squish (non-sexual, non-romantic, aka 'alterous' crush). And tbh I only ever think about it when I'm alone. I don't fantasize about my friend really (although I did have one weird dream).
Hmm... this is hard to explain. With my friend, it's not really a CRUSH-crush, but there's definitely some more-than-friends feelings there and it bugs me. I'm not sexually/romantically attracted to her, but I am more comfortable with her than with other friends I guess? Like harmless flirting and cheek smooches at most. Idk does any of this make sense I just feel weird about it