Shew, Is this lenght ok??? So worried at this point

I had my 20 week ultrasound today and I had them measure my cervix lenght internally (previously at 15 weeks had BAD heavy red bleeding).... 4 weeks ago it was 3.9 cm and they checked and one measurement was like 2.8cm than 3.3 cm than 3.5 cm.. it varied but 3.5 cm was the last lenght she got last ... when I asked the ultrasound tech if it was ok, she paused and said "well, it's okkkkk but, not as long as your ob would want it to be" so of course I start instant worry... I walk back to my ob and the tech tells her the lengths, and she comes and tells me it is ok and all is good. But I'm still worried. Anyone know if this is ok for lenght.