when your boyfriend/ future babies dad fucks up one to many times...

Sorry just needing to vent......so my boyfriend and I have been together over two years and when I first met him you could say he was an alcoholic he was only 21 but he would be blacked out drunk each night thanks to the people he was always around a year later I had him move up to where I grew up. And he became the best man and friend I could ask for.....but he has his problems where he ends up drinking and acting like an ass again (not that he's a mean drunk or has EVER laid a hand on me) but he gets to where he's super stupid and makes a fool out of himself and anyone with him and he's like a emotional roller coaster.......well here I sit 36 weeks pregnant having the start of contractions and he told me he was going to be working on a side job foofing for his grandpa and he calls me at midnight drunk ! And that he's with his old "friends" and that he got left in anouther town! And that this girl he used to know wants to fuck him WTH !! (Btw not the cheating type) so this pissed me off to no end! I told him that I won't be able to trust him and that I can't trust that he won't fuck up in life again and that he won't drink around our daughter if he thought that he could lie to me tonight and then he thought he could the last couple of times he went down there over 45 minutes away mind you and I new he was drinking again he only does it when he's with them again....and sometimes he talks to me and tells me that he wishes he had friends up here so he wouldn't go down there anymore then the next thing there his brothers and he'd do anything for them and I don't understand.... I feel like my daughter and I would just be better off without him anyone else care to comment about what I should do ??