Taking A Step Back

TTC has taken over every aspect of my life since we decided to finally take the step 3 months ago & schedule to have my mirena removed. With father's day just around the corner I've been obsessively checking in & counting days & tracking everything possible.

Now, to be clear, I have no regrets. In truth, I really needed/need to track in order to have some better idea of what's going on with my body. I got the mirena so young & had always had extremely irregular af. I often went a month or two without it & when it did arrive it was very spotty & only lasted about 4 days.

Tomorrow, I will be approximately 3 days to af. Against my better judgment, I'm going to test using FRER. (I normally wait until af should arrive. Tests are expensive & why make myself crazy getting negatives when it's early to test anyway?) It's Father's Day. I gotta check.

Now, I am fully aware that it may be negative as I've only had a few very mild symptoms & feel fine. So, if I get that bfn. No harm no foul. I won't be telling DH about it. I'll know that I did everything in my power to get us that bfp for Father's Day. There will be no what-ifs.

BUT-I have decided to step back a bit. I'm going to keep tracking because I really need to with my cycle being so sporadic. But, for now I think I'd rather enjoy life with my DH & my two young boys. (Previous relationship. Currently trying for our first together)

I'm posting because the truth is, I have no other outlet.

But what I want to say most of all is good luck! Good luck to all of you beautiful women out there. Whether you've been trying for a year or one month, or one week. I am keeping all of you in mind. & I mean ALL of you. Good luck, good vibes, baby dust, fingers crossed- whatever makes you feel the love, you've got it!!

Stay strong & hopeful. Above all, enjoy yourselves & enjoy the company of those you love. Be sexy & make sure you don't forget to make your s/o feel just as sexy. Be intimate because you crave each other, not just because you may be ovulating. Keep it fun.😉

May we all get our bfp soon.

Lots of love!!
