Just an opinion

Megan • 26 years old
Every now and again I see a post along these lines "my period is two days late but they aren't very regular anyway. I was sick four days ago and have cramping like af will start but only brown spotting so far. I think I have some symptoms but not sure. My last period was super weird. Am I pregnant?!" I don't know how to respond to these posts because on the rare times that I have responded with "take a test, that's the only way to know, or go to the Dr" I have been met with "I don't want to waste the money if I'm not." So I just don't respond. But sometimes the subject line is deceiving so I open it only to realize what I am about to read. Maybe I am just being overly sensitive. My emotions have gone out to lunch with this pregnancy. Sometimes I find these posts silly and I get a giggle. I giggle because no matter how many helpful comments are posted, it seems the person who made the post has an excuse for why they can't do any of them but want a definitive answer of "yes, you are for sure pregnant" or "no, you are not but you probably still are". Sorry guys, rant over!