Help! Advice needed about extremely negative husband.

Wish I had happier experiences to share, but here's the situation I'm dealing with and I need help...So my husband of 7 years has pleaded and begged for a second child (we have 5 yr old) - we've miscarried twice, with one miscarriage resulting in hospitalization and a very traumatic loss. After the miscarriages (ans my advancing age), I was scared to get pregnant again and told him I wasn't sure I wanted another child. He was really upset and worked on getting me to change my mind. He offered to get a more flexible job so he could be around more / help w baby after he/she was born. He also has been wanting to move away from the community we live in (I want to stay), and he said that if we had a second baby, that would make him want to put down more secure roots and stay put. ---- So, finally, at 39, I agree to start trying again, which was an incredibly scary decision for me. We got pregnant in Jan and now I'm 5.5 months pregnant. My husband seems like he could care less. Not happy or excited, just super negative. He complains about his new, more flexible job, talks about moving 2-3 times a week, and is irritable and nasty a lot of the time. I feel completely abandoned. I need a partner now more than ever and he is super negative and unsupportive. I've tried to talk to him about what he's doing and how abandoned I feel, but it usually just leads to unproductive arguing. What is going on and what do I do?