My birth story 👣05/06/17👣

Blue♡ • 20♡ baby boy due in june♡make-up addict♡

I woke up in the early hours of sunday morning on the 04/06 with slight stomach pains i tried to sleep through it but i was waking up every 10 munuits to a new cramp at first i thought I had a bad stomach but soon realized what i was feeling was contractions .. at about 5am i got in the bath to sooth the pains n started timing my contractions they were about 5 munuits appart lasting about 45 seconds each. I woke my partner up to let him know labour had started then i called the labour unit and they asked me to come in. We took the dog out for a little walk but the pains were getting stronger so we went back home at about 7am n called a taxi to take us to the hospital.

When we arrived the midwife timed my contractions n now they were 5 munuits appart lasting 1 munuit they took my bloodpressure etc n took me to a labour room , they introduced me to my midwife n she came back to examine my cervix i was only 3cm dialated so she gave me a cervical sweep to try move things along and told me to go for an hours walk to see if it helped.. we ended up going to my partners grandmas for breakfast then headed back to the hospital she checked me again n i was still at 3cm so she gave me another sweep n we decided it would be best I labour at home so at 2pm we headed back we took the dog for a walk down to the beach n sat on the rocks eating ice cream i could feel my contractions getting stronger so we decided to head home , me being me i started putting my make-up on between contractions and at about 5pm my contractions were getting much stronger so i called my stepmom who gave us a lift back to the hospital.

We arrived back there at 6pm n the midwife (different one this time) checked my cervix again n i had only progressed to 3 and a half cm so she gave me another sweep and told me to go for a little walk with the TENS machine they decided for me not to go home because my contractions were very strong n close together when we got back after the walk my contractions were noticably closer i was getting about 4 or 5 in ten munuits. My mother came up n swapped shifts with my stepmom.

I dont remember much until about 11pm the midwife checked me again and i was 7cm she then started filling up the birthing pool n i got in it was really relaxing at first my partner was feeding me my tropical water and gas & air but then all of a sudden i had this urge to push i started getting really hot the water was 35°c so in the end i got out because i felt like i was about to pass out , the contractions were stronger n the pressure was unreal i asked for pain relief so I got the diamorphine in my leg it was amazing i managed to sleep a little on that to get my energy back as id not had any sleep the night before.

The midwife checked babys heart beat n all of a sudden she said we need to get baby out because his heart rate was dropping , i pushed n pushed but he wasnt budging all of a sudden they rushed me into this other room strapped to a monitor there were about 5 doctors/nurses /midwifes my legs were up in stirups and there was one nurse trying to get him out with forceps they failed then they got me to feel his head they tried ventous n i pushed n pushed they perforemed an episiotomy because i was tearing.

Next thing you know my baby boy Alex was born safely weighing 6pound 6 at 3.32am by ventous, n somehow his head was perfect with no cone.. those first moments are so amazingly precious when you look at your new little human for the first time n realize there the best thing to ever happen in your life the love for me was instant and when i finally got some sleep n woke up to him at my bedside i couldnt stop staring at his lovely little face♡