To stay or to leave?

Hi, I'm in desperate need of some help, opinions please.
Long story short I live with my husband and our 4 kids in a small 3 bed house.I also own  run a business from home which takes over my living room.I'm desperate to move out in at least 4 bed so I can have an "office" for my work and get back our living room.We haven't had dinner at the table for more than a year.It always gets messy because I obviously work here and kids are young between 2-7years old. Is getting to the point were I'm always stressed and have panick attacks,  he completely refuses to move out.He asked to give up my work, he says he doesn't care about how I feel, that I don't need to work.I don't really need to work but I love what I do and  and I don't want to give up. Has been two months now I'm struggling with my feelings every day. Mentioning we are only renting so moving out in a 4 bed is very possible.He is ready to separate rather than move out 😥 I'm not sure what to do or how I feel about this 😔 Shall I give up my work and carry on living here in a place I basically hate ? I would love to hear your opinions, thank you x