beer festival drama :(

Rosie • hormonal af, from sunny la, I don't know what else to say!
My bf and I have been having a bit of a rough patch, we argue over stupid things:
So yesterday we went to a beer festival and I don't love alll beers as he does so when I threw out samples I didn't like (many people and some of his friends were doing the same) he'd point out how sad it was I wasting beer and that all beer is amazing.
I said I know you love all beer but I don't, and I'm not gonna force myself to drink something I don't like. He didn't say much for the rest of our time there until we were by a water station and I threw out the beer in my glass because he was getting drunk so that I could pour some water in it for him ( he had drunkenly broken his own glass )
That's when some girl was like why are you throwing it out and I said I don't like it and my bf and her exchanged this glance like it was such a tragedy and said it was so sad that I was throwing out beer. So then my bf I guess the beer really hits him and he starts barking like a dog (?) and the girl smiles and giggles at him flirtatiously and he just laughs.
I am not mad at this, he was drunk but he empathized more with this stranger than me, and what upsets me most about this exchange was that if I did something like it I Wouldn't hear the end of it. Anyway I brushed it off because it was like 100 degrees and he was drunk and the festival was ending anyway.
We get to his place and he takes a three hour nap, wakes up and tries to make out with me just to have sex with me. I know I shouldn't be expecting romance after a beer festival (I guess?) but this is the first time we hung out after last weekend, where he walked three hours home from LA pride festival we were at. We got seperated because he got mad I didn't eat the pizza slice he bought me (after I told him I didn't want pizza) but again, he was drunk here too. I wanted to have fun with my friends but eventually we were alone and he was angry so he walked off at one point and I tried calling him- his phone would ring so I assumed he was ignoring me so I left on a lyft (he had his own friends there) only to get a call an hour later about how I left him blah blah blah. I said I thought you wanted to do your own thing and he told me he was alone and his phone was gonna die and he was gonna walk home (15 miles in LOS Angeles) I told him to stay where he was so I drove back only to not find him until he got home three hours later. I was a worried wreck and his sister was looking for him too. So I decided this was so childish of him to do, fine he was drunk, but then he says he had "NO OPTION" of getting home other than walking home (so fucking dramatic)
He had many options. I could have picked him up, my friends could have taken him home, etc. 
Anyway so I didn't want to put out yesterday and he just gets on his phone and stops kissing me, honestly it would have taken a few minutes of him just kissing or cuddling with me instead of selfishly trying to get what he wanted and then just ignoring me when he didn't. 
Today we're texting and he says yet again how sad it was that I threw out beer and I told him I don't want to defend why i didn't want to drink something because I feel like it's childish, then he says he's not attacking me or judging me, even though he's making me feel like I should have never thrown out beer he kept saying "all beer is great blah blah blah"
And I very (petty) said that he should find that girl that agreed with everything he said and who thought it was cute he was braking like a dog because I don't and I didn't.
I guess my question do you guys think about this? He makes me feel like I'm overreacting but I feel like he never tries to see my side or is usually critical of something I do. There was one time I was singing my favorite song in the car and he straight up says "Eww" but defends himself as that that's his personality and he doesn't intend to make me feel bad. These are just a few instances, i don't know :/