thoughts in intimacy with your other

Okay ladies I have a question...😔 I'm 24 my other is 29 so obviously we are pretty young question is often is considered normal that you are intimate?? I'm asking because I think he is cheating ...which sucks🙈 I think it is weird that we only have sex MAYBE 2x a week if that and it's times where we only do it once and then AF shows up for 6 days and that's irritating sexually 
We have only had sex 2x in 2 weeks and to me it's unacceptable..we did it a week ago on saturday morning and then again this past week on Thursday 
HONESTLY I think he is cheating but I could be wrong ..but what is the problem that you can party with your friends all night and come home at 4&5 am and then sit in the living room "watching tv" till 7am????and even go out with me and have fun but  still not pleasure me unless you are doing it else where 😔😔❤️ ADVICE LADIES(FYI we have been together going on 2 yrs)