Chelsey • C.Wooten
So the passed 3 months I've had 2 very early on miscarriages. I've had some tests ran and had my first ultrasound ever and structurally everything looks normal for me, I have a small cyst on my left ovary but that's it. They think I have something autoimmune going on and that my body is attacking my thyroid so I take a low dose thyroid medicine now for that because as everything else is, thyroid is vital to a baby. Babies don't make their own thyroid hormones until around 20 weeks so hopefully this will help my MC situation! Well I said all that to say this.... My fertile week was last week early on, it came immediately after the MC it seems and the past few nights my *nipples* have been extremely sore..... Do y'all think I could be pregnant again?? The moment I get a positive test again I see my Obgyn to start progesterone and I've started a low dose aspirin already as well.. What y'all think?