help pregnant or no!?


Okay help me out! So I got my IUD taken out 5/31 and was in my "fertile window" 6/9-6/4 I had sex every day in that time frame sometimes twice just to make sure.( note I was on my period when I got it taken out) my dr said it was safe to start trying soon as it was out. I am due for AF on 6/26 so one week from today. On 6/16 I noticed my breast were sore seemed to be more on the sides close to my armpits(note I do not get sore boobs normally with or before AF) , also noticed I was slightly moody and would get nauseous on and off all day, also I can't NOT sleep at night no matter what I do I'm awake until at least 1am. Note I do work the grave at a hospital so 3 days a week I work all night and sleep during the day. It has never caused me a problem before. I have also been having headaches and just feeling off. Getting butterflies in my belly and "just feeling pregnant". I have also gone on and off with feeling constipated with gas! Please help me am I crazy or could I be pregnant!? I will test on the 26.