Bree • Bree ❤️ 28. Peds Nurse 💉 my micropreemie came 12 weeks early 💙💙
This has helped me get through the days. I cry everytime I read it. Even if you aren't religious it is still comforting. I hope this little verse will help any parents like it has done for me. Our babies are fighters! 💙
Dear God,
I have a request to make.
Just a moment of your time it will take.
You see, my parents, are heartbroken and sad,
and they have prayed to you with all they had.
Could you just hug them and remind them you care,
as they are wishing I was at home, not here.
This time is confusing, unlike how they pictured it would be,
But I want them to know that you take care of me.
Although I am sleeping in this little bed,
and I am often too tired to raise my little head,
please remind them that I know they did their very best.
And that at night I am protected as I sleep upon your chest.
They think I am so lonely when they are away,
and if I could tell them, I would say
“I know this is hard, and God understands,
But just know He has never let go of my hand.
He is always with me, like He is with you,
and all this has a purpose too.”
And God, while I am in this temporary N.I.C.U. home,
I just want them to know I have never been alone.