water break ? or just pee

Caitlyn • Mommy of 2 + 1 on the way
my feet have been blown up like balloons the past couple days, tonight was the worst pain if ever felt. Can hardly walk anywhere. I had to get a scooter at Walmart just for some ice. So I came home wanted to take a bath to relax. As I'm getting in the bath I sit and all the sudden I feel the urge to pee and usually you can hold it (or I thought) MY SERIOUS QUESTION is could that have been my water breaking or since I was in bath could it of just relaxed me as soon as I got it and made me go. ** I couldn't even stop it from coming out ! I was trying to and could not !! I know peoples water break in the weirdest ways and I know some people think they pee there pants and it's there water so I hope it's not a dumb question. My and hubby are worried. We're first time parents and I'm 34 weeks