Long, please read so you don't make the same mistakes!


When I was a sophomore at my community college, my music teacher said if we go to this concert and write a report we get extra credit. So I got there and I didn't know anybody. Then a man (40s) that was in my class showed up. He came over and stood by me (he didn't see me there). I said, "nice to see someone else wants extra credit." He laughed and asked if he could sit by me. I said sure.

There was a bar at this event and he kept getting drinks. He was obviously getting drunk because he kept talking louder and louder. Then he started saying things like,"you must be really insecure when it comes to guys if you had me sit here" and "why don't you have a boyfriend you are so pretty". I was obviously getting uncomfortable so I told him I was going to leave (2 songs left). He started making a scene saying "no its rude to walk out two songs left ect". I ended up staying so he would shut up. It was over I said bye, he said,"what parking lot are you in" I said west. He said, "cool let me walk with you" . As we walked out to the lot I notice my car was the only car out there. I started getting really really scared because I thought he parked in that lot too. I quickly said, "where is your car". He pointed to the farthest lot (not walking distance from where we were) he asked for a ride to his car. Before I could answer he got in my car. So I drove him over there as fast as I could and said, "OK nice talking with you have a good night. "

He wouldn't get out of my car. He said, "well wait I want to talk to you. Don't you think it's weird how you had me sit by you. Are you really that lonely? Don't you need a man to show you how things are done." At this point I'm in shock looking in my car for a weapon because I'm terrified. I could tell I wasn't faster then him so running wasn't an option.

He looked at me and said, "you need to relax". He reached over towards me and unbuckled my seat belt. And asked me to recline my chair. I moved it a tad just to get him to stop talking. He continued to drunk blabber about how I need a real man ect and a security car pulled near us. He stopped talking got out and left. I was in such shock I drove to my best friends work place.

Please more safe then I was. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Have a voice. Stand up. Say no. Leave early. Whatever you have to do.