I'm a new believer

I recently got saved. Not as soon as I joined my new home church but a few weeks after that. Something sparked in me.. I all of a sudden had a burning desire to know god. I prayed asking that he make his presence known and to allow me to connect with the Holy Spirit and that's when I tapped in. So much has happened 😭 dreams, hearing things within my spirit while I'm sleeping,my anxiety is leaving, healed my sick dog after I laid hands on him and prayed, I look at people a different way, I talk different, I found my purpose... I try to share with my family and friends (they believe there is a god but are still worldly people) but they all seem so uninterested. It makes me sad. Sad for them 😓😢 I wish they could experience him the way I am so they could understand. Any advice to release all of my thoughts and emotions?