Buy myself a new engagement ring?

My husband and I got married last October at the court house. We bought cheap rings to put on each other's fingers. I love my ring but I'm not gonna lie, I want an upgrade. Well I explained it to him and he said he completely understands. Well we went to go look at engagement rings and I found one that I love! I also found a wedding band as well that really matches (I don't have a wedding band). Well total for both comes to about $2500. After we left all I kept thinking about was the ring. I love the ring I have now but when I saw that ring, it felt like it was made for me! We've been talking about it but he said he doesn't know if we can get it. I'd be making monthly payments for it. We both work and contribute to everything (bills, food, etc) and I've never said no to him when he wanted his gaming set up or his expensive fish items. I told him I wanted it and I'll make payments and pay for it myself then if he didn't want to. But he just gave me a crazy look and said "you'll get a new one. Just later in life." Ladies, would I be crazy to buy it myself??????