meth head comment

Saw this posted on fb and it made me so beyond upset (probably hormones). The girl said "what part of meth is fun and games" and the guy who posted it said "the part where you get to watch them make fools of themselves"
I replied with:
 so it's fun to watch them fail themselves, their family, and their friends...? It's an addiction just like anything else. People make mistakes and sometimes it that causes them to to loose the things in life. They struggle over and over to overcome it. It's not fun and it's definitely not games to watch them ruin their life and possibly someone else's. Instead of it being fun and games to watch them become failures we should be encouraging them to become a better person and get the help they need. I have a lot of friends who have been on drugs and been addicted to things but none of it was fun and games💔 my family was destroyed because of drugs and addiction. I saw taken by dhs because my mom literally had a meth lab in my baby room before I was 2..... some people can't get over their addiction and it cost them their lives... not everyone even wants to stop but that doesn't make their lives less valuable. But that being said... my mom couldn't give up drugs long enough to keep me... so don't make fun of them please. It's not a game. It's not fun. I'm not bashing you but no...
My whole life and family was ruined by meth.... my mother took meth when she was pregnant with me... and so many other drugs. I wasn't supposed to make it past 3 months old much less be born half normal. The doctors said that I wouldn't be normal and I would have a lot of health issues and that learning would be extremely hard. 
But here I am. I walk (love running) talk (god knows I don't shut up) I read and write just fine. Their is nothing wrong with me! But this post really hit home for me. I am so broken that people feel this way....