Chopped My Hair Off And Kinda Regret It....


Hello Ladies, I'm in a bit of a situation. I got a haircut on 6/9/17 and I was going for a usual, trimmed sides and couple inches off. But about almost a year before that hair appointment, my stylist suggested that I get a pixie cut. So I sat on it and sat on it and sat and it wasn't until last minute when I sat in the chair, I wanted to chop it all off. I do really miss my long hair, just putting it up and being annoyed and what not. Well before all of it, when I was 12 up until 16.5 I used to straighten my hair 3x a day. 1. Before school. 2. Before dance class. 3. Before bed. And repeat the next day. Hey, I was in my emo/scene kid phase.

And at one point my hair was so bad, my stylist couldn't do jackshit to it cause I fried it. Hey, I was aiming for scene kid hair. Anywho, after I cut it, I got rid of all that damage, dryness and it's virgin hair. Hair is hair, it grows back. But I'm still kinda regretting it but I love it at the same time and I miss how elegant my Deathawk was before I got a regular pixie/mohawk. Still tryna learn how to style it. My mom dislikes it, my grandfather is more if I'm happy, he's happy, and the rest of my family doesn't know, Boyfriend doesn't really care. What do y'all think?

First is my regular hair, before I got the Deathawk(ignore my idiot in the back). Second is the day I first got the Deathawk (6/1/16). Third is 6/9/17, day of the major cut. Fourth is what it is now.