I lost my mother yesterday.

Carrie • Carrie0366
I went to work like any other day. Then my phone rang, it was my dad. He never calls me during the day because he knows I am at work. I answer and he just sounds different, somber, serious. He tells me that I need to get off the phone with him and contact my Mimi right away (my mom and dad were divorced). He said my mom was in an accident the night before and I needed to contact my Mimi and brothers. I was the last to know. My mother was pronounced dead at 4:30am June 22 2017. The corner didn't tell my family until after 9 am. Because I am 17 weeks pregnant they wanted to tell me to my face to be there to try to keep me calm. How do you keep someone calm when telling them their mother is gone. This is my first child and was her first grand baby. One she was over the moon about. How do I do this without her. How do I even begin to try to fill her shoes. I am still in shock and just don't know what to think or do or say. But I needed somewhere to vent or clear my head. Facebook is just covered with photos of her smiling face and I just can't be on there right now.