16 and pregnant .. again

My first pregnancy was when I was a junior in highschool .. I was 15 turning 16 and now I am 16 and I'm a senior just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant. My last pregnancy ended in a abortion a week after my 16th birthday,  I didn't want That but sadly I felt pressured enough and gave in . I went through some hard months recovering from that and I don't want to ever do it again .. can anyone give me some advice on how to tell my parents and adult family AGAIN :( . I feel like they're gonna hate me more than the first because I just started working and saving for a car .. doing regular teen stuff and now I am pregnant. It is with the same guy as the first so that part won't be much of a shock but I feel like this will ruin my life + relationships  
I got the implant after the abortion but got it taken out due to all the side effects now I am on the pills but I was having sex without a condom some times