child support issue

Pamela • Just trying to figure out this thing called life :)
My boyfriend just got his divorced finalized a few days ago. But he's been separated for almost a year. He's been paying child support since he left. But the thing is, his ex barely has their baby. The child is either at her sister's house (aunt) or her parents (grandparents). Yet, he pays her $800/month in child support. She doesn't work and hasn't worked a day in her life and she's 28. He sold his house to her parents and they make her pay rent... possibly with the child support money. The situation is completely unfair since she barely has the baby anyways and probably uses the money for herself. 
What he wants to do is pay her family (grandma or aunt) child support and not to her since they have the baby more than she does. How do you think this will play out in court? He has proof showing that the baby is always with her family and not with her. 