is this a positive surge?

Ladies I just haven't been tracking too much or Caring this much to conceive this month. Yesterday had been the first time in two weeks since I've seen my Dude (it's what I call him) and I didn't want to get his hopes up again with trying when we really haven't been active due to him being gone for work and me as well. I only did my ovulation strips the day before and this morning. We did the BD last night + pre seed (which is amazing by the way) and I just started using wundufo lh strips over answer. Is this considered a positive? Usually I get the positives on 12,13 and 16 day of my cycle. Just wanted to confirm if this is a yes or no surge. I wasn't expecting a surge, being FF said it would be the 16th for my fertile days. I'm not hopeful as yesterday was our only intimacy and we both left today 5 hours after picking him up from the airport.