What can your 11mo/1yo do?


I know every baby is different, but I dont know a lot of babies and what they are doing at this stage. Reading developmental emails is making me worry so I want to hear real life stories...

My son is A very happy and contented baby and is great fun! He is very independent when it comes to eating and will only eat finger foods himself, trying to help is a big no no! He has started to walk in the last week, I'd say 5 steps or so is the most he's done. Its so cute cause he gets too excited he's doing it and then falls down lol

My concern is that he hasn't said any words yet. He screams and says 'ah' and 'eh' but this is all. He blows raspberries and makes a fish noise too. Does every baby this age say at least a few words? Mama, Dada, ball?

He also doesn't wave or claps his hands.

He's still not sleeping through the night, but doesn't wake for a bottle, just wakes around 2 every morning.

Where's everyone else's baby in comparison?


A worried mummy x