How is baby duty divided at night?


Need advice. I'm a stay at home mom, graduated college at 9 months pregnant had my daughter 3 weeks later on June 6th. My husband works and here we are our daughter is 3 weeks old and impossible at night. I've had a lot of issues breastfeeding, horribly sore nipples due to her tongue tie which was just snipped but I'm still waiting for the pain to subside. She eats every 2 hours and at night and only at night she just doesn't want to sleep. I feed her and if I ask my husband will change her diaper at night, not happily naturally, but the attitude I get from him is making me feel completely alone. Tonight I just lost it when I rocked her for 15min and the second I put her down she started crying. He told me "you shouldn't have had a baby". I work so hard all day taking care of our daughter, doing the laundry, planning and cooking our meals, taking care of our dog, I mean the list goes on. I have always wanted to be a mom and him saying that was like driving a knife into my heart, I feel like I try my hardest to be a good mom. Is it not normal to feel overwhelmed from time to time? I feel like he thinks he is entitled to get the sleep at night because he works, but I feel like I work all day as well..I certainly don't nap during the day ever. I'm the one getting up to deal with the baby at night, feeding and soothing. He does change the diapers but I have to ask, he never gets up if she's crying it's just an expectation that I do it I guess. Anyways sorry for the long post I'm so stressed and overwhelmed I don't know what to do.

-sleep deprived mama