stuck in hospital not knowing whether I'm going to have my baby :/

Lost some bloody mucus plug Saturday that followed a full day of pains & tightenings every hour. went into hospital to get checked and there was no room at the inn, so I went home on bed rest and if anything changed I'm to come straight back.
Sunday i go to the toilet & the bloody show the size of my hand is wiped away along with fresh blood. Into hospital I go. Get checked out, more  "bloody show" comes out... Still contracting and getting back pains. I'm kept in this time on observation as the doctor thinks 75% chance I'll deliver. They gave me steroids for baby lungs as I'm 34 weeks. 
This morning (Monday) I'm rushed down to the delivery suite, saying that I'm now nil by mouth as it looks like I'll be having a emergency C-section as baby's heart rate dipped to 75 and they thought the cord might be around his neck. He monitored me for half an downstairs before theatre and he seemed to perk back up. So they called it off. I'm now back on my original ward. I'm now leaking fluid & more "bloody show".They are saying my body wants to go into labour but baby is like nahhhh....  I'm still contracting and my diabetes sugar levels are through the roof. Like I know it's early but wow this is exhausting, I do feel like throwing in the towel and saying get him out!!!!