family of convert

Emma (Saima) • Muslim convert, happily married wife, mama of two, environmental scientist and bookworm.
Salaam ladies :)
Just wanted to share with you the chat I had with my brother today. He asked if he could come over to talk to me about something alone - I was curious! 
Turns out he's been worrying for some time now about the way my family handled me converting to Islam. He wanted me to know that he 100% supports me in my choice and that I can talk to him and be open with him about my life as a Muslim anytime :) Alhamdulillah I feel so happy! Just to hear him say that was wonderful. It was like a floodgate - once I started I couldn't stop! He said he feels so good now I've got so much off my chest and he understands more what my daily life is like :)
Every convert knows how difficult it can be with family after accepting Islam, so it feels like this is a step towards regaining and repairing relationships with all of my family InshaAllah.
Eid Mubarak to all xx