why can't we just finish strong?! 😭

i'm only like 2.5 weeks out from having baby girl, and my boyfriend of 4 years who has been totally supportive and loving towards me woke up 2 days ago in the shittiest mood ever towards me, won't tell me what's going on, won't speak to me, says i annoy the shit out of him and he doesn't even want to look at me... mind you, the night before we were fine and he said i love you, goodnight. come morning time, he was a total different person. idk what to do but cry. we don't live together, & he literally won't talk to me other to say leave me alone. she can come at any moment and he's being a total dickkk! this is not how i wanted to welcome her into the world, and i don't talk to people about our private life so i have no one to talk to. i feel like i'm losing him & i feel sick. Â