my words to the ftm!

I wanted to write this to all the first time moms to give some advice that i wish someone had told me! I was pregnant wish my first baby last year and like i see in many posts i was anxious and afraid of everything that mite go wrong during my pregnancy and ofcourse the thot of will i be a good mother? I had people offer me all kinds of "advice" family friends and strangers and heres what i learned. Everyone is and "expert" and nearly every peice of advice contradicted the last which ofcourse van be extremely stressful! So i just wanted to take minute to tell you relax and trust your own instincts and judgement about your body and your baby you can do this and no your not a terrible mother because you dont do things or feel a certain way all the time, there will be times when you you think what the hell have i done but it gets easier i promise Just be the best you can be and it is enough dont worry about the pile of laundry, or the fact you havent washed your hair in a week because being mother is time consuming and hard and by god do not look at that mom and wonder why she has her shit together because i promise you she doesn't shes just like you and if you talked to her she would probably tell you. So lastly good luck and take the time to enjoy your new bundles of joy and ignore all the comments and judgements and dont try to be the perfect mom because to your baby you are perfect and your doing things your way!